Topping-out ceremony for the Danube Tower slide

6 October 2023: It's time again for a small update on our internal construction work on the Danube Tower. We have made significant progress! The breakthrough and fixing of the slide entrance at an impressive height of 165 metres have been successfully completed!

In many cultures there are customs and rituals that mark the progress and completion of buildings. In Austria, one of these rituals is the "Gleichenfeier", a term that is perhaps unfamiliar to many outside the country.

What is the Gleichenfeier?

The Gleichenfeier is a traditional ceremony held in Austria when a structure has reached its full height, but before the roof is completely covered. On the occasion of our latest achievement at the Danube Tower, we celebrated the topping-out ceremony or "Gleichenfeier"! It was a special moment for our team and we are proud of everyone who was involved.

Why is it celebrated?

Reaching the full height of a structure is a significant milestone. The topping out ceremony gives those involved an opportunity to celebrate this progress and pause together. It is also an opportunity to thank the workers for their hard work and to ask for the protection of the building from misfortune and damage.

What is a typical "Gleichen" celebration like?

  • Tree or wreath: Often a tree or wreath is placed at the highest point of the structure.
  • Speeches: Appreciations of progress and thank-yous to all involved are a central part of the celebration.
  • Celebration: After the official ceremony, there is often a festive get-together.

Even if the work is only visible internally, it is a testimony to the great progress we can make together. We are one step closer to completing this ambitious project at the Danube Tower!

A big thank you to everyone who is working hard to make our Danube Tower even more impressive.