Animals in the Danube Park around the Danube Tower and Donaubräu

The Danube Park in Vienna is not only a popular destination for recreation and sports enthusiasts, but also a true paradise for animal lovers. In the midst of this green oasis, there is a diverse animal world to discover, making the park a unique place of nature.

Especially around the imposing Danube Tower and the garden of Donaubräu various animal species have found their home. In this blog article, we take you on a journey through the Donaupark and introduce you to some of the fascinating animals that live there.

The squirrels

As you stroll through Donaupark, you will most likely come across the cute squirrels. These skilled climbers inhabit the trees around the Danube Tower and the Donaubräu garden and are known for their playful nature. With a little patience, you can watch them leap from branch to branch, hiding their supplies for the winter. Don't forget to have some nuts with you to feed the squirrels, but be careful not to overfeed them!

The bats

When dusk falls over the Danube Park, another species of animal becomes active - the bats. These fascinating nocturnal animals use the park as a hunting ground and can be found mainly near the Danube Tower and the Donaubräu garden. Watch them flutter elegantly through the air and hunt insects. Their nocturnal excursions make the Danube Park a place full of mystery and magical nature experiences.

The water birds

The Danube Park is also home to a variety of waterfowl. From ducks to swans to moorhens, you can watch various species here as they glide majestically across the lake or search for food on the shore. Especially in spring and summer, the many chicks make a delightful sight. The sight of the water birds in the Danube Park invites you to linger and observe and is a highlight for nature lovers.

Der Garten vom Donaubräu

Neben dem Donauturm ist der Garten vom Donaubräu ein weiterer Hotspot für Tierbeobachtungen im Donaupark. In diesem idyllischen Garten finden Vögel einen idealen Ort zum Brüten und Aufziehen ihrer Jungen. Von Meisen und Amseln bis hin zu Rotkehlchen und Zaunkönigen können Sie hier eine Vielzahl von Singvögeln entdecken und ihrem fröhlichen Gezwitscher lauschen. Der Garten vom Donaubräu ist ein verstecktes Juwel für Vogelliebhaber und bietet eine besondere Atmosphäre zum Genießen der Natur.

The Danube Park and especially the area around the Danube Tower and the garden of Donaubräu are a paradise for animal lovers. The variety of wildlife that inhabits this park is impressive. From elegant gray geese and playful squirrels to mysterious bats and majestic waterfowl, there is much to discover here.

A walk through the Danube Park becomes a unique opportunity to experience nature up close in the middle of the city and admire the fascinating wildlife.

So grab your camera and head out to explore the animals in Donaupark and in the garden of Donaubräu!