Tower terraces groups

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Viewing platform

Viewing platform

The observation deck at a height of 150 meters offers a spectacular view over Vienna. Far above the rooftops of Vienna, visitors escape the often hectic everyday life and can relax with pleasure while the city and its surroundings slowly pass by.

Indoor Terrace

Indoor Terrace

Sollte es der Wettergott nicht so gut meinen, gibt es auch eine verglaste Innen-Terrasse, die das Should the weather gods not be so kind, there is also a glazed indoor terrace, which is open all year round in all weather conditions. If you want to enjoy the distant view even longer, you can do so in one of the eateries on the upper levels, our Turm Café or the Turm Restaurant.

Quotes from our group guests

  • March 23, 2024

    Wonderful experience. Unique attraction.

    Marie V. / Reisebüro Pehlrim / Viewing Platform, Turm Café
  • December 4, 2023

    Always Great Service. Thank You!

    Withold S. / Veneto Poland / Aussichtsterrasse
  • October 20, 2023

    Both the service and the organization were smooth and problem-free. The tower as a sight is really worth seeing.

    Angela G. / Samuel Brassai Technikum Debrecen Ungarn / Aussichtsterrasse
  • June 26, 2023

    A great experience for 6th grade students.

    Ulrike S. / BRG 1 Schottenbastei / Viewing platform
  • June 12, 2023

    Grandiose experience for all students from the provinces during the Vienna action.

    Jürgen W. / MS Lechtal / Viewing platform
  • June 3, 2023

    Beautiful view of the city and surroundings.

    Leopold K. / ÖKB Furth Göttweig / Viewing platform
  • April 17, 2023

    The Danube Tower has been one of the most popular program points of our school trips to Vienna for many years. The staff is characterized by authentic friendliness and competent advice, which makes every stay a pleasant and unforgettable experience.

    Eva O. / MS Gries am Brenner / Viewing platform, Turm Cafe
  • April 20, 2023

    The advance booking or reservation of tickets were offered and handled in a very friendly manner.

    Herbert P. / Seniorengruppe / Viewing platform

top of grouptravel

Entrance fees for groups

Groupfares from 15 persons
Price per person incl. VAT
Adults € 14,40
Seniors form 65 years € 11,50
Youth (15-19 years) € 11,50
Children (6-14 years) € 8,60
Infants (3-5 years) € 4,30
Infants under 3 years complimentary
Slide € 5,00

Important information

  • The entrance fee for groups of 15 persons and more entitles you to ride the express lift as well as to enter the viewing platform at a height of 150m with a spectacular view over Vienna

top of schoolgroups

Entrance fees for schoolgroups

Entrance fees for schoolgroups from 10 pupils
Price per person incl. VAT
Entrance per pupil (6-19 years) € 6,40
Entrance per adult companion € 12,80
Slide ticket € 5,00

Important information

  • The admission and lift ticket for pupils entitles them to ride the express lift and to enter the viewing platform at a height of 150m with a spectacular view over Vienna.
  • For every 10 children, one accompanying adult is free of charge.
  • The fares are only valid on weekdays.
  • Please note that the visit must be announced with date / time / number of persons, school name
  • The school group rate can only be granted if the school is billed in total.

top of kindergartengroups

Entrance fees for kindergarten-groups

Entrance Fees from 10 infants
Price per person incl. VAT
Kindergarten Infant (3-5 year) € 1,90
Kindergarten Infant(under 3 years) complimentary
Adult companion € 12,80

Important information

  • The admission and lift ticket for kindergarten-kids entitles them to ride the express lift and to enter the viewing platform at a height of 150m with a spectacular view over Vienna.
  • For every 10 infants, one accompanying adult is free of charge.
  • The fares are only valid on weekdays.
  • Please note that the visit must be announced with date / time / number of persons, kindergarten name
  • The kindergarden group rate can only be granted if the school is billed in total.

Contact form for your group request

Our reservation is at your disposal for an individual offer.

Please note that our group offers are valid

  • from 10 persons for kindergarten and school groups
  • from 15 persons for the viewing platform
  • from 13 person for gastronomic offers

Please fill in the following fields. Our team will contact you shortly.
We look forward to hearing from you!